About Ana

I am President of the Berkeley School Board, a city planner, elected Democratic Party leader, and a mom to two wonderful boys.

Since 2020, I have served on the Berkeley School Board, and was elected President by my fellow Board members. In my four years on the School Board, I have fought for our children’s safety, worked to safely reopen schools with a strong public health focus, advocated to increase safety on our campuses, and focused on closing the opportunity gaps for our most vulnerable students.

I have been a state leader on protecting students and educators by expanding COVID-19 testing in Berkeley schools and throughout the state. I established a Berkeley Unified Safety Committee and created the position of District-Wide Safety Coordinator to keep our schools safe. I directed the hiring of a districtwide Spanish-Language Parent Engagement Specialist to improve engagement with Spanish-speaking families. As the parent of a student with disabilities, in my second term I hope to focus on expanding support and resources for students with disabilities and uplifting the voice of their families within the district.

I believe that there’s more work to be done to close the opportunity gap for Black & Brown students and students with disabilities. Growing up as an English-language learner and benefitting from supportive and diverse public schools, I know first-hand how important community and school partnerships are in closing our opportunity gaps. My husband and I are proud to be raising two wonderful boys in Berkeley who have both attended Berkeley public schools.

I hope you will join me in fighting for educational excellence and equity in our amazing Berkeley public schools!